In today's class with Rob Kurta we got into pairs and played battleships. The aim of the task was to focus on :
What kind of emotional experience am I getting from this game?
Where in the game is that experience coming from?
Observing the games we played I noticed that I got a sense of accomplishment and happiness when I got a hit. I felt frustrated when I missed his ships on my turn. I was worried when it was the other players turn before he gave his coordinates and before I gave my coordinates to fire on his ships I felt worried because of the uncertainty.
Using the information gathered we were set the task of iterating the game. We came up with two ideas and each played out the games to see if they worked. First was there was no limit to where the ships were placed as originally they have to be a space apart on the board. This made the game harder and more flexible, giving the players more options where to position their ships. My opponent and I felt that it made the game funnier and more enjoyable.
The second iteration was that the ships could go diagonally across the board, where as originally they could only go in straight lines. This made the game a lot harder, added more anticipation and suspense when picking where to fire. We both enjoyed the game and agreed this was the better of the two iterations and made the game even better than before.